Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Jigsaw finished

The finished Jigsaw ( but it did run on into K fortnight ) - took a bit longer than expected but I got there in the end :-)  It was quite frustrating as some of the pieces were very similar shapes and it was very easy to put them in the wrong places. Right at the start I didn't have enough pieces to finish the frame but it was just that two pieces were in the wrong place. Exactly the same thing happened at the end - 2 pieces over but they didn't fit in the 2 gaps left!!! All sorted now though
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J is for Jagged - Sunday Shutterbugs

This is the portcullis at Castell Coch- definitely jagged!
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J is for Jewellery

Went shopping today with Sally and went to Home Sense. I found two jewellery kits for just £2.99 each reduced from £7.99 so thought they would be worth a go at. Have managed to finish the one already and must say am pleased with the outcome. it makes you realise how easy this can be so might try a few more of my own in the future.
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Tuesday, 8 June 2010

J is for Jigsaw

Something I haven't done for a very long time. Well not one for me. I've helped Daniel with his little jigsaws but this is a big grown up one. Hopefully I'll get to finish it
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Jumping into J

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J fortnight starts with Sunday Shutterbugs weekly challenge - J is for Jump.

Hopefully this fortnight will be more successful than the last. I'm hoping to do better with the book and music. Our book club monthly book is Juliette Naked by Nick Hornby 

Incandescant Sky

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Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

Music wise I listened to Natalie Imbrugia. Didn't manage any films or books this fortnight. Found "I" a bit IMPOSSIBLE lol!

I is for Icecream & Indian Food

I 've struggled with the letter "I" food wise but we did manage to eat some lush icecream and I cooked an Indian meal of Chicken Tikka Masala. Admittedly it was from a spice pack with the Instructions on how to make it and I won't be repeating the experience as it was disappointing - now I know why it was half price :-).

The only other "I" food we managed in the fortnight was a meal at an Indian Restaurant when we met up with friends for a very pleasant evening out.
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Iris - from bud to flower

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I is for Individual

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Individual & independent that's Daniel now. Here he is marching to his version of "The Grand Old Duke of York"