I have combined the two weeks challenge for C at Sunday Shutterbugs with this photo. These are 2 tiles from the Wales Empire Pool that my husband managed to get before the swimming pool was demolished in 1997. It has a lot of memories for both of us. It was built for the Empire Games in 1958 when Cardiff was the host city. Russ spent many years swimming and playing water polo there as a member of Cardiff Swimming Club. I learnt to swim there and I also met Russ there when he was a lifeguard during his summer break from College. It was a very sad day when it was demolished and Cardiff had to wait for another 10 years before we got an equivalent standard of swimming pool to replace it (Photos of both pools can be seen here - http://www.walesonline.co.uk/expats/expats-newsletter/page.cfm?objectid=16194780&method=full&siteid=50082 )
Wow, this is really cool! Thanks for participating with us at Shutterbugs.
Thats a neat idea combining the two words into one picture! Great job!!!